Leolaia says........
CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE? No better way to put it!
Sorry to hear this is happening to you, oompa.
no call to invite me to a committee meeting...no notification of deciding i should be df'd....no telling my jw wife of the announcement...not a chance to appeal what i did not even know what was going on...my mini-serve son is devasted....he even researched it....told me to go to page 153-154 of the od book...never heard of it but it is a green hardback given to all who are to be baptized.
wow...the elders broke every rule in this book as to my case.... i have no respect for these men that can take away your jw family without even telling you they are going to.
my jw son has now begged me to meet with my committee...even though there is prob zero chance they can reverse the decision...that chance is from when they let you know...and you have to appeal by letter within 7 days (i cant make this stuff up!!
Leolaia says........
CAN YOU FEEL THE LOVE? No better way to put it!
Sorry to hear this is happening to you, oompa.
the infamous cover of that 1984 watchtower (27 years ago) was perhaps the last prediction / prophecy of the watchtower society.
will there be any more or have they finally learned their lesson?
some think they are like a race-track junkie and are addicted to predictions.
Len: Job well done.
This 1984 Watchtower cover is another 'blackeye', among many, for the WTBTS.
i found an interstate billboard for $750 a month, minimum of 1 month.
there is an additonal charge of $750 for the art.
the billboard is on i-75, near hahira, georgia (just north of valdosta...and the florida line).
Now you're talking....... and I'm listening!
For the sake of thousand times ten thousand that have been hurt and who continue to be hurt by this disfellowshipping and shunning policy of the WTBTS....... I say yes.
Put me down for $ 50/ mth for say a year for starters! I'd say this is a good investment.
As Tennessee Ernie Fords' song goes:
'One day older and deeper in debt'.......
i'm a ministerial servant for some years now, but reached to the conclusion that i must get out of jws as soon as possible.
i can no longer waste my time in field service, at the kh or doing menial jobs for the congregation.
for some months now my field report is with one digit at the hours section and with empty spaces in magazines, brochures and the others.
I agree with 'man in black':
step down with dignity instead of letting them knock you down
I agree with 'Quarterback':
When they approach you on the matter, let them know that you have too much to manage at the moment, and would appreciate a break from extra responsibilities.
You might also exaggerate medical/health and or family issues. Then assure them you look forward to serving again in the not too distant future though you really have no intentions of doing so. This approach will leave you smelling like a rose!
these are good comments to consider enjoy!.
jehovah's witnesses who leave their religion, do so for many different reasons.
here are seven.. watchtower prophecies and dates for armageddon have failed repeatedly.
Many are leaving or at best having serious reservations because they are beginning to see the WTBTSs' secret love of $$$$$$$ at the R & F's expense!
the april wt is out, get it while you can.
what caught my attention was the first article.
some quotes:.
Good topic Bohm.
''For example, keeping the computer in an open area can serve as a protection. Some find it best to use the computer or watch television only when others are present. Others have decided not to have access to the Internet.''
Is the Society implying that JWs are a bunch of perverts or that we lack self control so much so that we need someone like a family member to monitor our viewing habits?
The Society should just admit it. They do not trust the R & F!
Thats' O.K. by me. I stopped trusting in the Society.
many people in positions of teaching others the doctrine of their particular religion do not actually believe the doctrine themselves.
this is a fascinating article from daniel dennett and linda lascola.
i could relate to some of the expressions made.. http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/non-believing-clergy.pdf.
Sorry, I meant to say:
'I would be generous if I said of all the Elders & M Ss' field service activity, 50% was productive (I was enjoying a good glass of wine at the time of this post).
many people in positions of teaching others the doctrine of their particular religion do not actually believe the doctrine themselves.
this is a fascinating article from daniel dennett and linda lascola.
i could relate to some of the expressions made.. http://newsweek.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/non-believing-clergy.pdf.
How many of your elders & servants are "Preachers Who Are Not Believers?"
I was in my last congregation for 14 years and know the profile of the entire servant body pretty well. I would be generous if I said 50% of the Elders & M Ss put in productive hours in the ministry (myself included). Its' the same in the congregation I'm presently in. I give more credit to the wives.
As an example: How worthwhile is your ministry when 6 adults pile into a car. After 1, maybe 1 1/2 hours of doing return visits the entire car group calls on maybe 4 doors and you wind up only talking to 1 homeowner who you know reluctantly takes the magazines. Then it is time for a coffee break! Each publisher will wind up giving himself 2 hours (I know cause I do). This was my day out in field service just this past weekend.
Do the math: 6 publishers X 2 hours = 12 hours of unproductive hours. That scenario is not an exaggeration. It is played out weekend after weekend nationwide, worldwide among millions of JWs.
The WTBTSs' year end statistics of productive field service activity turns out in print being way over-stated........ It is a Joke!
The Mormons blow us out of the water when it comes to the preaching acitivity! They come to my door (it seems) at least once a month. Obviously I don't make myself available. And when they don't find me home they try relentlessly until they do. Now thats' making a return visit! That is par I would say for most Mormon preachers. They could teach us a thing or two about preaching!
I would say that Jesus Christ is non too happy about our 'following in his footsteps' as Kingdom proclaimers.
So Franklin Massey (respectfully speaking) that is my answer to your question!
Excellent Topic & welcome!
so did anyone notice the statement on page 11, paragraph 11?
"if a brother has been baptized at least one year and to a reasonable degree meets the scriptural qualifications fo rministerial servants outlined at 1 timothy 3:8-13, he can be recommended for appointment.
" i thought paul specifically warned against appointing a "newly converted man"?
The Society doesn't think things through. They speculate!
I agree with you. With how complex life has gotten especially in the family circle, seasoned individuals with higher than average education who (as was mentioned) have been 'tested as to fitness' are want is needed even to serve as M Ss. And that is because not long after a M S has been appointed that he begins to be groomed for the role of Elder.
So yes lowering the 'bar' is one way to invite more problems.